Cost of RCT or Re-RCT varies from clinic to clinic in Lucknow. Costing can be criteria while selecting a dental clinic but it should not be the only criteria when selecting a clinic. One should also be aware of some facts about RCT or Re-RCTs before a decision is made.

cost of rct

Most people think root canaling is a painful procedure but if it is done correctly it should be painless.
RCT-treated teeth should have a life as long as other natural teeth.
Approximately 80 % of RCTs done on the posterior teeth are not done with perfection. Out of this, a large number of them end in failure.

Symptom’s such as pain, swelling, or abscess may occur in case of faulty RCTs.
Problems related to faulty RCT may occur immediately or after few years. It depends on the number of bacteria and the body’s immune system (which fights with these bacteria). In some cases, bacteria would wait for the favorable environment to multiply, and only if they fail to counter these bacteria symptoms would appear. Sometimes it may take 4-5 years or even more to cause

In the United States or Europe RCTs are by an Endodontist. An endodontist is a specialist in RCTs, Crowns, Fillings, and other aesthetic procedures. But in India, it is carried out by all the dentists that are why there are more failed root canal cases. Re-RCTs are done in cases of faulty RCTs. As it occurs due to human error it can sometimes be rectifiable and sometimes it can’t be rectified. As it is more complicated and difficult to perform they are done only by very few Endodontists. Charges of ReRCT are almost double as compare to RCT.

It also takes double the time and also requires specialized instruments which are even more expensive. Therefore it increases the cost. The instruments used during RCT costs around 2500/- to 3000/- per set. These instruments are for single use only and are to be discarded afterward. But in India, it is used again and again until it breaks inside the tooth.

If a dentist charges 5 to 10 thousand per RCT, he can afford to discard these instruments after every case but if a dentist charges 2000 how can he discard these instruments which are worth more than 2500/-

Cost Of RCT / Root Canal Treatment? (Lucknow)

Front Teeth:- Our Rates- 3500/- Market Rate- 2500 to 5000/-
Back Teeth:- Our Rates- 5000/- Market Rate- 3500 to 8000/-

Cost Of Re-RCT? (Lucknow)

Front Teeth:- Our Rates 4000/- Market Rate- 4000 to 5000/-
Back Teeth:- Our Rates- 6000/- Market Rate- 4500 to 8000/-

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